The DREADED linen closet (at least in some people’s minds.) This can go from being a nice clean closet to quickly becoming a dump for everything in your house. But, really, it’s as simple as mastering a few key components and once you do, your linen closet will be Martha Stewart worthy.
1. Unless, you are still in college….for goodness sakes, learn how to fold your sheets. This doesn’t take any longer than it takes to wad them up in a ball and throw them in a closet. Martha Stewart has a great tutorial (of course she does!) and you can see it here. Good folding is the KEY to organizing a linen closet. Your closet will never look organized unless you can get the sheet sets under control. Make sure you sort the sheets into sets (flat, fitted, and pillowcases). You can even store a set inside the pillow case for easy grab and go.
Martha Stewart
2. Folding the towels properly matters too. I personally like to use the ‘french fold’ method because you can’t see any seams, but there are tons of different ways to fold your towels. If you want to see the french fold…check it out here. Below is another great idea that really maximizes your space by rolling your towels. The stacking shelves allow you to keep washcloths and hand towels on top. You could also use these shelves to separate sheet sets. The towel bars on the door are used for storing table cloths, napkins, etc to keep them from getting wrinkled.
Better Homes and Garden
3. Keep comforters, blankets and extra pillows stored on the top shelves, since you probably only need to access them during winter months or when guests come to stay. If you don’t have enough room in your linen closet, keep them stored in a box under your bed.
4. Don’t forget to label your shelves. This will help your better half remember where to put things and keep you from falling back into bad habits of putting things where they don’t belong. By labeling shelves, you won’t have to unfold something to find out what it is.
Better Homes and Gardens
5. Finally, use wicker or wire baskets, or canvas bins to store contain lose items like toiletries, cleaning supplies and toilet paper. Not only will this make it easier for you to find things when you need them, but it’ll also make you happier when you open the linen closet door! Plus, it can be a fun way to add texture or color to your closet–decor doesn’t have to stop at closet doors!
Much like the junk drawer and pantry projects, how your closet is organized is all about figuring out the solution that works best for you. If you’re not going to fold towels like Martha, then find a way that you will and just stick to it. A little time spent organizing things now, will be a time saver in the future. Check back tomorrow as I help Tessa find some solutions to her linen closet.
Now I want to redo my linen closet! Looks great!
I’m sure your closet is already pretty organized! Let me know if you need any tips. =)
lovely! thanks for the tip on storing quilts up top. mine are at the bottom taking up prime real estate. moving them now!
Good! Glad we could help. Do you really need quilts in that gorgeous beach city of yours?