Did you noticed it in this photo I posted last week from Canadian House and Home? A rain shower with only a narrow glass divider and no lip at all…

As I’ve mentioned, Amy and I have been working on a master bathroom project and one trend we’ve noticed a lot recently is this idea of open-concept showers–i.e. a half wall or glass panel only rather than an enclosed door. This seemed to be more common in very contemporary designs, but we’ve been seeing the idea applied to more transitional bathrooms…

Here’s another look with a half wall

So, what do you think about this? In theory, I love the look. It’s exactly what a bathroom should be–open, clean and simple looking. I like it so much that when our shower door broke last week, I brought up the idea of ripping it out, along with our tub and instead installing a big half-open shower in our master bath. Well, the idea got nixed by my husband who said he would freeze his ass off–especially this terrible winter! He said he hates even having to creep his hand out of the glass door to grab his towel. The man’s got a point. So, instead I’ve moved on to this image–all closed in and lots of coziness…

I do like the look but I’m with andy. I would FREEZE in an open shower–even out here in California! I prefer the frameless glass enclosure–still clean and open looking, but much warmer. I really like the last shower image you posted with the bench inside. almost looks like its own little room! you could even put a teak or stone pedestal in there with a water-loving potted orchid on top…
The other benefit to having the shower completely enclosed is that you can convert it into a steam shower — a nice luxury to have in cold and/or dry climates!