Wallpaper Decor

I love wallpaper in rooms and sometimes wish I had an unlimited budget and a husband that felt the same way as I do about wallpaper.   It’s such a nice, unexpected surprise walking into someone’s home and seeing a room wallpapered.   If you are still hesitant to invest in wallpaper maybe it’s not the money that holds you back but the commitment of doing an entire room.  Painting is definitely a safer choice because the room can be painted again if you are tired of seeing it after several months.  But wallpaper isn’t so easy to change!  I took the plunge a few years ago and wallpapered my dining room.  I will say, I’m still happy today every time I walk through the room.  However, for those of you not quite ready to take the full plunge,  I’ve been loving the idea of framing wallpaper to use as decor in a home.

 Love this bold and colorful print.  Love how the furniture and accessories coordinate with the wallpaper.

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 What a great idea for a headboard.  Amazing what a few pieces of trim and wallpaper can do to a room.

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A great use for those remnant pieces you might find at flea markets.

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So many great inspiration shots in blog world of framed wallpaper flanking a headboard.

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Love the idea of doing this in those empty stairwells that most homes have and can’t figure out how to decorate.

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Smitten with this wallpaper….do any of you know the source?

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If you’re looking for ideas on where to purchase beautiful wallpaper be sure to check here.


Amy Signature



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