• Dealing with Kids’ Artwork Revisited

    A lot of kids are ending school this week and they are going to walk home with their backpacks stuffed full of artwork.  What do you do with all of that?  We get lots of questions on our blog asking for ideas on how to store kids’ artwork so I thought we should revisit this topic. I went back and…

  • Maggie’s Big Girl Bed

    My daughter, Maggie, is turning four in a week and all she wants for her birthday is a big girl room. Well, specifically a big girl bed. If you remember, this is what her room currently looks like: View from the bed Okay, let’s face it, it never looks like the photo above. This is a more accurate photo. As…

  • A Kid’s Closet Makeover

    Ah a child’s closet…a dumping ground for all sorts of things: clothes, shoes, toys, more clothes in sizes way too small and way too large… It’s amazing we can get out of the house half the time trying to find something to wear. So, although this wasn’t included in my initial home resolutions list (again, do you really think Tessa…