• Confessions of a Pantry Clean Out

    Fair warning. This is not exactly a Pinterest-worthy blog post. But, I’m hoping that it’s helpful and inspires you to tackle that organization project in your house that you’ve been staring at and just need to do! Last Saturday afternoon, this was the scene at my back door… Ridiculous right?  Who lives like this?!?  In all fairness, I’d be cleaning…

  • Itsy Bitsy

    One of our favorite things to do with this blog is to share the resources that we look to for our clients (and ourselves!) for stylish, yet affordable options. Are you familiar with Home Decorators Collection?  They’re actually a Home Depot company that have a great line of furniture and  six retail stores nationwide, two of which are in Illinois.…

  • Nine Great Storage Solutions for Kids

    A couple of months ago, I picked up these baskets on sale at Serena & Lily for toy storage in Madeleine’s bedroom…love the thick textured weave and bright colors. I kind of have a thing for toy storage bins and baskets. They make me feel organized when really I’m just stuffing a lot of crap away from view!(Admittedly my favorite…