• Powder Room Reveal

    In yesterday’s post, I showed you photos of my powder room and described my obstacles.  Here are the design choices I came up with so that we could finally have some privacy and close the bathroom door. First, I set out to find a sink that would be a better scale for a bathroom this size.  While the pedestal sink was…

  • Powder Room Obstacle

    I had a BIG obstacle in my powder room….I couldn’t turn around in my teeny, tiny bathroom.    This had been on my list of complaints since day one of moving in.  I was eight months pregnant when we moved in and could barely fit through the door, let alone actually close the door while going to the bathroom.  So…

  • Give me a drink

    and no, I don’t mean alcohol…although, I wish I could enjoy a wine spritzer during this heat.  But instead I’m talking about WATER.  Throughout this pregnancy, I am constantly being reminded to drink water.  I actually don’t mind drinking water but it just never occurs to me to get a glass of water.  I needed to find a way to…