• Confessions of a Pantry Clean Out

    Fair warning. This is not exactly a Pinterest-worthy blog post. But, I’m hoping that it’s helpful and inspires you to tackle that organization project in your house that you’ve been staring at and just need to do! Last Saturday afternoon, this was the scene at my back door… Ridiculous right?  Who lives like this?!?  In all fairness, I’d be cleaning…

  • Crafting!

    I must admit (Tessa will agree) I’m a crafter!  There–I said it…I like to make things and there have been times that I have been known to have too many ‘crafted’ items in my house.  Sometimes I get caught up in the cute projects but in all honesty they never really work with my home decor. However, I think holiday…

  • Client Entry Options

    A reader in Northern California contacted us a few weeks ago to help get her entry in shape for holiday entertaining. She was looking for some ideas to create a warm, inviting space that worked with their existing paint color of Benjamin Moore Louisburg Green and would also provide function for the family. Specifically, they were looking for an area…