Yesterday was one of those days that was perfect by my definition. Kids were at preschool/school and a client job was rescheduled at the last minute but instead of canceling my babysitter for William, I decided to give myself a vacation day. So what does a perfect day involve when you’re Amy? It starts out with a coffee at Starbucks…
Blog up and running again! Seriously stressful when you have an issue with your domain provider and they give up your name!! I couldn’t write a post for yesterday so spent Sunday night watching too many episodes of the Walking Dead instead….obsessed. So, there are a few rooms in my house that just don’t fit a standard sized rug…we all…
Teal is typically not a color I use to decorate my own home. Some shades seem a bit too bold for me but lately (maybe because it’s FREEZING outside) I have been gravitating towards more dark rooms and I think if you use the right shade of teal, it can make the room feel so cozy! This show space inside…