Remember that stamped concrete post I reposted last month? So I arrived up my family’s house outside London, Ontario last night and they’re just completing a renovation of their beautiful late 1800s country farm house and check out the front porch they’re working on! This is such a great solution. It’s not necessarily a cheaper solution (initially) than if you’re…
This week is move in week at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill…I can’t believe it was 19 years ago that I first stood in the Quad with so much hope and fear. Last week I had this super weird realization (and frankly a really not so good one!) that my kids are closer to college age than…
After the kids go to bed, the kitchen is cleaned, and I’ve watched the latest episode of Real Housewives (did I really just admit this?) I tend to spend a few quiet moments browsing Pinterest. I love checking out what other pinners have pinned and finding new inspiration for my home. Below is a roundup of some things I’ve been…