I was surfing around Decorpad for some inspiration for an upcoming post on cowhide rugs and and fell in love with this room:

Then I started seeing a series of similar pictures. On Decorpad it’s a little hard to see who is posting the pic so when I kept seeing pictures of a very similar room I was a little confused. Then, it became a fun game of “spot the differences” like in the back of magazines! Anyway, they ended up all being courtesy of the blog Nesting Place (thenester.com) and I thought it would be fun to show the evolution of her bedroom–love how you can see how changes are gradually made and end up with something so beautiful. And, how she gradually layers the room, brings in new items and brings back pieces that had previously been taken out!
The starting point:

Already looking great with a coat of white paint on the bed, new lighting and the shag rug to soften the room–so nice and bright. The mirror keeps the room from feeling too feminine and ties the side tables in nicely. You can read all about the choices and sources here.

In comes a new bed and out goes the mirror…

Then in comes a new mirror, the lamps get mixed up and the throw pillows become a little more colorful and playful…definitely starting to take shape.

Streamlined bedding, gorgeous brass lamps (LOVE them!), a cowhide rug (now I want a cowhide over the shag rug in my bedroom…) and some pink accents continue the transition

And finally, the wall treatment is added–huge impact in the room! Notice the wood sunburst mirror is brought in–pops against the white/grey walls better than the smaller white one would

The Nester is definitely a blog worth visiting–the level of detail is amazing! The lesson I took away from these pics is that we have to remind ourselves that a room is always evolving–try new things, figure out what you like and add pieces that you love.
My mom shared with me the other day that she was worried we’d eventually run out of rooms to feature…I reminded her how often she rearranges furniture and moves artwork around. Just because the function of the room doesn’t change, sublte decor changes are always happening and can make a huge difference. Thanks for sharing!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post. I feel like every room in my house is at the starting point. I wish I could be brave enough to add and change and try…. the results are incredible!