Drawer Organizing

Spring is here!  Well, at least that’s what the calendar says. I tend to be an organizer by nature but I would have to say that my husband notices my organizing picks up when the weather is nice.  I think I just feel that over the winter the clutter fills up in my house and I like to pair things down.

One of the biggest and most fun (in my crazy head) cleaning I do is sorting through kid’s clothes.  I do this every season but I get rid of the most in the spring.  I pull everything out of my kid’s closets and make three piles:  donate, keep for garage sale, and save for friends.  I then make a mental note of what I need to buy for the upcoming season.  I keep it pretty simple when it comes to kid’s clothes.  I also go through their pajamas, socks and underwear.

A few years ago, I was so tired of opening my kid’s drawers and seeing piles and piles of clothes dumped in their drawers.  I needed to find a solution.  The Gods of Ikea stepped in and blessed me with drawer organizers!

ikea_drawer organizers
Skubb Drawer Organizers

They are sold in a set of six in varying sizes.  I love these and it has made all the difference when putting away clothes.  I should mention that my six and three year old put away their own laundry so I needed a solution that would make it easy for them to sort and put away.  When kids have a system in place to follow, it makes it much easier for them to do the task.

I also added these to William’s drawer just to make it easy for my husband (yes, he does the laundry but to be fair–he LIKES doing it) to put away clothes.


Even my three year old daughter can sort her underwear, socks, pants and tights.


My son’s nightstand holds his underwear, socks and white t-shirts in the top drawer.


I also use them to store items in my son’s closet that he will grow into soon.


Another bonus to these organizers is when you’re not using them, they un-zip and can be stored flat for easy storage.



If you don’t live near an Ikea, you could always use shoe boxes–I am sure between all of the members in your household you would come up with different size shoe boxes you could use.  Cheaper option and it would work just as well.

Happy Organizing!

Amy Signature


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