An Affordable Rug Option

Rugs can be a big purchase when decorating a room.  I’ve spent plenty of money on a rug from a store, only to find a few years down the road it started to fall apart.  A few years ago when we moved back to San Francisco from London, we moved into a large flat and had no rugs to cover up the beautiful hardware floors.  Not to mention we were on the top floor so we didn’t think our neighbors below would appreciate hearing our footsteps.  We had a large family room that needed at least an 11 x 14 rug.  But when I saw the prices of rugs in a store for that size, I knew I didn’t want to spend that kind of money on a rug that I didn’t think would stand the test of time.

But then I realized why not go to a local carpet store, choose a carpet and have it bound.  This was the perfect solution because it’s less expensive and you can customize the size you need to fit the exact dimensions of the room.

Carpet showrooms have many different patterns and textures to choose from.


One of my favorite choices for bound carpeting is a shag–here’s how I’ve used it in my house. Below is the carpet we used in our flat in San Francisco.  It’s currently in my son’s room now.

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I think putting a solid color rug in a kid’s room is beneficial because their tastes change so quickly.  If you start with a neutral palatte you can change it up through bedding and paint color–two things that are easy to change when your daughter declares she no longer likes pink.



Recently one of our clients was looking to replace a rug in her family room.  She wanted something that would  hold up against three kids and be an affordable option.    We sent her to our local carpet store in Evanston and she was able to get the exact size she needed for half the cost compared to a rug in a store.

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 If you’re feeling really energetic and want to bind a carpet yourself, check out what this blogger did to create her own runner.

So, don’t be afraid to check your local carpet stores.  Sometimes you can even score a better deal if they have a large remnant pieces for sale.


Amy Signature


4 Comments on “An Affordable Rug Option

  1. So brilliant! You may have just solved a big problem I was having! Now if I can just find the money to rip out the terrible WHITE carpet the previous owners put in and replace with hardwoods.

  2. Love this idea I did it in my dining room. If you live on the North Shore of Chicago, Lewis floor and home will cut carpet and bind.

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