• Accessorizing a Desk

    I will use any excuse not to get work done. In fact, I pile my desk high with papers just to avoid sitting down at it! But, as I mentioned in January, one of my resolutions for 2013 is to get my office organized. Part of that, is making it a fun place; making sure there’s a place that I’m…

  • Pottery Barn Teen Emily + Merrit Collection

    After school drop off yesterday, I headed downtown (for those of us suburbanites, we love saying this line…) to return a few things to West Elm. Along the way, I hit up PB Teen to check out their new collaboration with Emily Current and Merrit Elliot. Such a great collaboration–really fun, whimsical things that would go way beyond a teen…

  • Lonny Mag October 2013

    Just got back from a great weekend in Sonoma with best college girlfriends. Stayed at a great VRBO and had an amazing weekend celebrating a dear friend’s pregnancy (twins!) My husband and mother-in-law held down the fort while I was gone–so fun to get away by myself! While I was on the plane, I read the October Lonny Mag and…