• Pax System

    Anyone interested in making their closet a little more functional,  but not at a high cost?  Let me introduce (although it’s been around for awhile) the Pax system at Ikea.  Tessa and I are working on two closet designs for clients and after lots of research on closet organizers, we have found that the Pax system can’t be beat.  It’s…

  • Ikea Ritva DIY

    Remember this post Tessa did way back when about pom pom curtains?  I’ve always had it bookmarked thinking one day I would purchase some for my daughter’s room.  That post was in January and now here I am in July thinking maybe I should finally put some drapes up in her room. I love these blackout ones from Pottery Barn…

  • Ikea Ritva Curtains

    I’m always looking for cheap ways to add drapery to a room.  Drapery can be an expensive purchase and even more expensive when you add curtain rods.  I was perusing the internet looking for cheap but nice looking drapes.  Here are a few photos that caught my eye and would you believe these drapes are from Ikea (DIY in different…