• Ideas for Boys Sharing a Room

    Happy first day of Spring! I would love to say the weather in Chicago is matching that…I refuse to get the new baby a snowsuit so this weather better change soon! Anyway, on to design…A few weeks ago, I did a post on shared rooms for girls and showcased the darling bedroom of a friend’s two little girls. Don’t worry…

  • Starburst Mirrors

    Starburst (or sunburst) mirrors are ubiquitous these days–open any magazine or read any design blog and you’ll inevitably see a room with a starburst mirror in it. So, are they so popular that they’re passé? I say no–I still love them and think everyone has a spot for one in her home. Above a fireplace is a nice spot for…

  • Just a Beautiful Room

    It’s Monday and the weekend was a little crazy–my parents left on Saturday morning, I turned the guest room over and Andy’s mom came Saturday night–in between we decided to take the kids to see Disney Live and go to dinner…first outing out with all three and it was an adventure! Yesterday Andy left for his first business trip since…